Joe Ullman
We are very sad to record the death of Joe Ullman, former Secretary and President of the Cricketer Cup, and a much loved personality around cricket grounds.
Joe Ullman was in the Charterhouse Cricket XI as a batsman and quick bowler for 3 years, 1957-59, captaining the side in his last year. Thereafter he played a great deal of club cricket, especially for the Butterflies and Oatlands Park, as well as being a regular member of the Charterhouse Friars Cricketer Cup side in the early years of the competition. He captained the initial tours to South Africa of the Greenheads, a side primarily made up by Friars and Old Tonbridgians. He was also a more than useful footballer and fives player, and was involved in the administration of the Arthur Dunn Cup for many years. After he stopped playing, he was a very active President of the Friars, as well as chairing the Old Carthusian Club.
In 2002-3 he was instrumental in moving the Cricketer Cup from control by ‘The Cricketer’ magazine to the clubs themselves. He was Joint Secretary from 2003-2013, with Frank Russell, and President from 2014-17. No-one has done more to make the Cricketer Cup the outstanding competition it is today.
He ran, with his wife Chris, an extremely popular pub in Buckinghamshire but after retiring from that, he suffered from some ill health and eventually the amputation of both legs. Nevertheless, he still continued to go to many Friars and OC football matches and remained in contact with the enormous number of friends whom he had made over many years.
Joe Ullman (right) presents the cup in 2012 to Tom Cox (Shrewsbury Saracens)